Is there a masterpiece waiting to burst out of you?

Make 2024 the year you bring that book to life!

About Justine

Justine Martin is a Resilience Coach & Consultant, International Keynote Speaker, Podcast Host of Resilience Mindset and Author. Known as the Queen of Resilience; her passion, energy and story to overcome adversities, build a positive mindset - is now a survival guide to thousands.

“Life can throw us curve balls; sickness, job loss, death of a loved one, overwhelmed, no purpose ... but it is our inner strength (our resilience, our courage, our determination) to get back up, navigate the journey of change, build ourselves back up - that truly defines who WE are. I will show you how”.

- Justine Martin

What Our Clients Says

"I wanted to thank you for setting up the Morpheus Writers Inner Circle Group. You have created a group of potential, new, and published authors who have a safe and positive place to share ideas, triumphs, and challenges. The group is made up of people with a variety of life experiences and interests who simply want to tell their stories and support others who want to tell theirs. For me, being part of this group has been like opening an old wooden door and discovering the creatively rich world of writing behind it. Again, thank you."

Penelope, Writer

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